Saturday, April 4, 2009

Best Friend or Stalker? You Decide...

Last night my friend and I decided to get some dinner and go see a movie. We saw Knowing, the new Nicholas Cage flick. Just an FYI, the ending is a bit odd so, um, yeah. You decide for yourself if you like it or not. I was so into it until the end and then I just burst out's NOT a comedy.

As soon as the movie is over Shawn pulls out his cell phone. This is unusual for him as he has some of the best cell phone manners of anyone and doesn't use the phone if he's with someone else. But, all this week he has received late night calls from work asking him to come in the next morning (at 4:00) so he assumed all the missed calls he had received during the movie were from work.

He had 3 missed calls, a voice message and a missed text message. All of them from his best friend. I will never understand male friendships, truly never. This is his best friend but he hasn't spoken with him for nearly two months. Odd...anyway, he assumes something must be wrong because the messages all say "call me as soon as you get this message".

I go into the ladies room and Shawn calls Lincoln back. When I'm done in the rest room they are still talking on the phone (although at this point I don't know that it's Lincoln who called him so many times). I hear a few snippets of their conversation. But of course it's onesided. Here are the parts I hear.
"Just getting out of a movie"
"yeah we hang out still"

That is key to the rest of the story, remember that part of the conversatiion. One can infer that Lincoln asked "who are you at the movie with?" Again, dear reader, this is fore shadowing...

Shawn finishes his conversation and we go out to the car and drive back to my house. At this point it is about 10:45 pm and it only took us about 5 minutes to get from the movie theater to my place. I pull my car in to the spot next to Shawns car and we both notice that there is a little white piece of paper tucked into the drivers window of his car. Hmmm, what could this be? How odd that someone at my apartment complex would leave a piece of paper on his car window. I've lived there a year and that has never happened to me so I was pretty curious.

Shawn gets out of the car and pulls out the piece of paper and reads it. "It's from Lincoln" "What?" "It's from Lincoln" "Lincoln came here?" and the conversation continues: It's Lincolns business card. On it he's written "Call me bitch. Ya Fuck Nut!"

Now, I ask you to again refer back to the previous conversation that Shawn had with Lincoln not five minutes before. Lincoln asked Shawn who he was with.

Lincoln knew damn well that Shawn was with me. How did he know? Because he had been at my house trying to find Shawn!!!

I started laughing and said "Shawn, it looks like you have a stalker. Lincoln drove all the way to my house (He lives about 30th East and 90th South...far, far away from where I live) just to find you!!"

So, now I ask you, is Lincoln Shawns best friend? Or is he Shawns stalker? Either way, kind of creepy that he's driving all over the Salt Lake Valley just to find his friend.

Oh, and did I mention that I asked Shawn what was so important that Lincoln get a hold of him. Shawns answer: "I don't know, he just said 'oh, hey man, what you up to?' and that's all".

Like I said before, I just don't get men and their "friendships"

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