Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Parent of the Year Award

This blog is dedicated to all the parents out there who have had one of "those" moments with their children. You know the ones, when you're in the company of others and your child says something that makes you wish you were about 2 cm tall and you could crawl away without anyone knowing that child belongs to you.

I hope that others can share their moments with me.

I had just one such tonight. We were in the car with my sister and her fiancee' (by the way, congratulations to Miriam on her engagement!) they were driving us home from my nephews 19th birthday party.

L started telling us about a video game he was playing "It's so cool! It has these cool turds..." All ears perk up...Did he just say his video game has turds? So we asked, we had all mis-heard, the game has "turrets" haha, our mistake! Mike asked what the name of the video game was and here he says "South Park" oh dear! This is a game he's playing at dads. And Miriam says "I'm surprised it isn't turds being from South Park, you know, Mr. Hanky?"

And here is when I become mother of the year:

L - "I was watching Mr. Hanky Christmas special and there was this guy in the outhouse who was shaking his butt to get Mr. Hanky off. And there was a kid at the end who pooed Mr. Hanky out into a bush."

And there you have it. Mother of the Year! Shining moment in my life as a mother. I'm sure you've all had yours too. Please join the fun and share them with me so I don't feel oh so bad.

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