Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Single Moms

Sometimes I just sit and admire single mothers. I don't know how they do it full-time, working to pay the bills, cooking meals, getting the kids off to school/daycare on time, keeping the house from falling down, and everything else they have to do.

I just spent the last ten days with my kids. This is the longest amount of time I've spent with them since the separation/divorce and man, was it tough.

Granted, I only have a one bedroom apartment so all of us are basically on top of one another for the entire ten days and that alone is a challenge. Every day at work I got multiple, and by multiple I mean about 20, phone calls about various and random things, all of which were prefaced by being emergencies "Mom, this is an emergency, we can't find the pasta you sent with us for lunch today", "Mom, this is an emergency, I tripped and fell on the carpet, it hurt", "Mom, this is an emergency, I just went poop for the first time today", "Mom, I just needed to call you and tell you that I love you".

I'll admit that last one is very, very sweet...but that one only came after a long lecture about what an emergency is and that if I get another phone call that isn't an emergency I'm going to go "mommy mad" when I get home.

Do you know what Mommy Mad is? I promise, it's something you don't want to ever see if you haven't seen it. It's a frightening site for all parties involved, especially mommy.

Back to single moms. For all of you single moms out there, I give you props, I know it's tough and overwhelming and sometimes you just wish there was a time when you could have someone to bounce it all off with; Thank you all for your great work!

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